Suzie Salt Loves To Sing is a story written by vocal coach Helen Barrett with the goal to encourage more people (Young and old) to believe in their ability to sing and the joy that can be found when we face our fears.
Suzie Salt Loves to Sing! follows a day in the life of a young girl who has a dream to sing with the school choir but doesn't believe she can sing a single note. After a chance encounter with an unlikely character, she is encouraged perhaps see things differently. Will Suzie Salt find the courage to follow her dream, or will she let the fear of making mistakes get in the way of doing what she truly loves?
Currently Suzie Salt Loves to Sing! is available as a audio book and I am also working towards making the story into a hard-back book for children and adults to enjoy. If you enjoy the story of Suzie Salt and would like more people to enjoy it, I would be thrilled for you to purchase the audio book and if possible leave a positive review. Thank you.